Aloha – This winter, I was on the Big Island of Hawaii with Chris Berry for a few months. He was donated 20 acres of land to start a Music Cultural Center. Chris Berry plays in the band Panjea and is a Teacher of African dance, drumming, and Embira (finger piano). At a young age he moved to Zimbabwe to study. Through ceremony and herbal induced trance he was chosen by an ancient spirit to be a channel. This spirit, we call HaHa for his laughter, was recognized by the elders of the tribe. Chris gained instant status amongst the tribes and honored for the music he was able to bring through from the Spirit World. When he left Africa to pursue music in America HaHa told him that he would be called on in the future to create a ceremony for the gathering and healing of the “Rainbow Tribe”. This is the Tribe of the lost Tribes and is made up of all peoples. A decade passed and last year HaHa revealed that the time has come. He said we were to Gather where the “Fire is in the Water”. It was no coincidence that this land on the Big I, where the Fire Goddess Pele spits her Lava into the Ocean, was offered up.
Hawaii is a very extreme and powerful wilderness. Don’t be fooled by the postcards !! This land is wild and will take your body in an instant. The Hawaiian roots culture is still intact and available to those who resonate with the INA (Islands). A Kahuna (Medicine person) shared with me the story of their Spiritual Ancestors traveling from the “Dog Star” by way of the Rainbow Portals to offer guidance. They Teach that the lost Tribe are the “Rainbow Warriors” summoned at this time on Earth to restore balance.
Its remarkable how many Ancient Tribes have this story about the lost children reclaiming the land and restoring Spiritual connection with Gaia (or planet). Soooo much so …. that I think we can officially called it prophecy ! We (the Rainbow Tribe) have been gathering for years seeking connection with Elders and Wisdom of the way (TAO). Simply how to be in harmony with all life and our own Spiritual purpose for being. Check out for the Rainbow History and future gatherings.
Chris recognized the Rainbow Spirit in our Tribe when he came to Harmony Park. We collaborated on a project in Mozambique where we connected orphaned kids with orphaned Elders. We built a sustainable Village where the Timeless traditions can be passed down to these kids and be saved for future generations. HaHa advised that we should now focus on doing the same for our Tribe.
This Winter Solstice was powerful ! Chris Chose a campground on the beach called Spencer park. I went there the week before to check it out. In the middle of the night I was woken by the chanting of warriors in the wind. A little spooked for what the locals call “Night Marchers” I peeked out of the Van to see about 50 Hawaiians standing on the shoreline. They were chanting hard then disrobed and ran into the water. I didn’t know what to make of it but Night Marchers or not I wasn’t going to interfere with it. In the morning Aimee came and told me that the next bay over was full of Sharks. Sure enough the fins were on the prowl. We then heard the chanting again coming from an old Heiau (Sacred Site) on the hill. We walked up and saw some men rebuilding a section of the wall that had fallen with a few other Kahuna blessing them and singing. It was damaged in an Earthquake which often accompanies Pele when she spits Lava. They told us that this was a sacred site where King Kamehameha would sit and talk to his ancestors through the sharks. He received a message here to build this Heiau for the Unification of the Islands (a very violent endeavor). It represents Ina Unity and in the 70’s when it was damaged workers from all the islands came to repair it in a show of Unity. They did not purify and were drinking on the job…. consequently 24 of the 25 were injured or died within a years time. Sooo now they were bringing in the big guns !! Kahunas from all the Inas came to pray and purify the work effort. POWERFUL !! They warned us to clear our energy before leaving.
This Winter Solstice was powerful! Chris chose a campground on the beach called Spencer park. I went there the week before to check it out. In the middle of the night I was woken by the chanting of warriors in the wind. A little spooked for what the locals call “Night Marchers” I peeked out of the Van to see about 50 Hawaiians standing on the shoreline. They were chanting hard then disrobed and ran into the water. I didn’t know what to make of it but Night Marchers or not I wasn’t going to interfere with it. In the morning Aimee came and told me that the next bay over was full of Sharks. Sure enough the fins were on the prowl. We then heard the chanting again coming from an old Heiau (Sacred Site) on the hill. We walked up and saw some men rebuilding a section of the wall that had fallen with a few other Kahuna blessing them and singing. It was damaged in an Earthquake which often accompanies Pele when she spits Lava. They told us that this was a sacred site where King Kamehameha would sit and talk to his ancestors through the sharks. He received a message here to build this Heiau for the Unification of the Islands (a very violent endeavor). It represents Ina Unity and in the 70’s when it was damaged workers from all the islands came to repair it in a show of Unity. They did not purify and were drinking on the job…. consequently 24 of the 25 were injured or died within a years time. Sooo now they were bringing in the big guns! Kahunas from all the Inas came to pray and purify the work effort. POWERFUL! They warned us to clear our energy before leaving.
I spoke with Chris about the work being done at this site and that I hoped we would be in alignment with the kahunas and Spirits.No doubt the portal we were about to open with this ceremony “the Bonakuma” would stir up the Spirit World as well. Chris decided we should consult Haha (his Spirit channel) about the matter. He prepared all day with fasting and purifying then 8 of us gathered to open the space. We started by chanting and burning incense until the room was thick with it and we pulsed together as one. This went on for maybe 30min. until Chris’s body wrenched up almost puppet like and his mannerisms changed and his voice changed. It was not Chris !! Haha had a deep slow tone and spoke in a broken English. He was wise and spoke to us on a level of dire importance. Yet his laughter and kindness echoed in our chest with the calmness and ease of a Great Grandfather. I asked him about the Heiau and if we would be welcome at such an auspicious site. He roared with amusement and said “I am here with these Hawaiian Spirits”… “We are specifically bring you to this place to receive the SHARK PURIFICATION”!
We were instructed to instruct Chris (as he retains no memory of this possession) to lead us in an African Water Purification ritual in the ocean. When Chris learned of this he was confused… the Africa version take 2 days to prepare for and was done @ a fresh waterfall. We deduced that the Sharks would expedite the purification. Haha had told us that they would come and feed on our waste. That which we shed and released, that they would transmute the energy and free us of the bond.
My mind was blow by this point ! I consider myself open to many things but I guess I never realized how literal a Mystical experience can be. I suppose I imaged that it would be more of an intuition, metaphor or dream like subtlety. But no…we were going to swim with the sharks!
On the first night of the Ceremony we were deep in trance. Chris is masterful at making everyone feel comfortable with themselves and what their gifts to share are. Haha told us that these Ceremonies are to be a fusion of ancient and present. Chris and the African Drum and Dance community that he was training set the foundation on the Root level. They effortlessly merged with instruments and dance styles from around the World. The Drummers are in the center with the dancers circling with the sun around us. Everyone participates it is not a performance even if you just clap…which you will do compulsively anyway. It can last a few hours or days. We were visited by many Spirits each with its own energy that would change up the feel. At one point a large 10ft Manta ray swam all the way up to the pavilion in inches of water an danced with us touching the foot of Dave the Mandolin player as it glided by. It stayed until the music stopped then left.
The next morning Chris felt out the spot for the “revival” in the ocean. Everybody took turns being submerged into the ocean. Our Sweet sister Beam was going under when she scraped her foot on a lava rock and cut herself. Her last vision from the surface was a shark fin moving in! Leaving Chris and his youngest daughter 6yr old Siki to close the ceremony alone with the shark. Chris was offering a prayer and premonition from HAHA asking for the shark to take our “baggage” and to not harm our children. POWERFUL !!!
That night while we drummed and danced into deep trance the Island was hit by a Gail force storm. Most of the Ina with the exception Spencer Beach was under Flash and Flood! We could hear the thunder and see the lightning .. but stayed dry all night. Super intense!
I was filming during the Purification ritual soo Haha and the spirits had something special in mind for Aimee and I. As we drove off the next morning we were hit by a violent Hail storm which cleared to reveal a Water spout (tornado in the ocean) It was pulling the Sea up into the funnel and raining it back down on us. We filmed it in disbelief …then the funnel was sucked up to the cloud of water and it all fell to the ground in one huge splash. Safe to say we were purified!
We are Gathering on every Solstice and Equinox to co-create a Ceremony to solidify our bonds and build community. The Big I offers some unique opportunities for building community. It is lush and abundant and still just out of the focus of many Babylon laws.
It is our intention to experiment with Village living Permaculture farming and Cross Cultural music exchange. Soon we will be calling for the Harmony Tribe to come play with us!!
Its all happening!!!
Respect and Love
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